15 JUN 2011 by ideonexus
Comparing European and American Mammals and Livestock
Europe. America. lb. lb. Mammoth Buffalo. Bison *1800 White bear. Ours blanc Caribou. Renne Bear. Ours 153.7 *410 Elk. Elan. Orignal, palmated Red deer. Cerf 288.8 *273 Fallow deer. Daim 167.8 Wolf. Loup 69.8 Roe. Chevreuil 56.7 Glutton. Glouton. Carcajou Wild cat. Chat sauvage 30 Lynx. Loup cervier 25. Beaver. Castor 18.5 *45 Badger. Blaireau 13.6 Red Fox. Renard 13.5 Grey Fox. Isatis Otter. Loutre 8.9 12 Monax. Marmotte ...Jefferson cataloges the sizes of animals in the two continents in order to refute the European idea that animals are larger and more advanced in the old world.
30 MAR 2011 by ideonexus
Breast Feeding Fuels Big Brains
The study looked at the average pregnancy term, breast-feeding length and brain size of 128 species of mammals. They saw that between different species brain size at birth was determined by the length of pregnancy, while the brain growth after birth was determined by breast-feeding duration. [...] The extreme length of pregnancy and breast-feeding in humans (nine months and three years, respectively) is required for the growth and development of our large brains, which can reach 79 cubic in...Women should breast-feed for at least six months and up to two years to encourage the growth of the infant's brain as much as possible.